Home Trips Round the world What month to start a RTW trip

When is the best time to start a RTW trip?

The most fundamental factor that will determine the fare is the time of year you take your first flight as almost all fares are based on your first departure date.

Currently, the UK is just about the cheapest place to start your trip from and most tickets are now common-rated in price from Manchester as well as from London airports, like Heathrow and Gatwick.

What is the cheapest month to start a RTW trip?

Here is a guide to the typical seasons. (These do vary from time to time and from airline to airline).

Month Fare season Cost Prices
January Shoulder/high Check prices
February Shoulder Check prices
March Shoulder Check prices
April Low Check prices
May Very low Check prices
June Very low Check prices
July High Check prices
August High Check prices
September Shoulder Check prices
October Shoulder/high Check prices
November Low Check prices
December Very high Check prices

So this means that no matter what route you end up taking the cheapest single way to knock hundreds of pounds off your airfare is to leave at another time.

This obviously isn't always possible as you may want to be in certain areas at certain times for things like best trekking season, avoiding monsoons, carnivals etc. but if price is an issue you must learn to be flexible to save money.

Check prices of your round the world flights depending on different departure dates:

BA cheap flights

Book popular RTW tickets online at BA

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Build a multi-stop trip online with Expedia

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Build a RTW ticket online at Lastminute

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